Ray writes:
My point was that persons from all walks of life, social status, economic status and education hold the Bible to be true.No other ancient Text enjoys the level of acceptance that the Bible enjoys.
You do know ray that this statement,holds true no matter what religion or holy script you apply it to? You don't believe there was a man named Muhammed? Or a king named Budah? Or a scholar named Confuscious? There is plenty of supporting evidence for the existence of all three. The point that you make is just as valid no matter what religion you apply it to,since as you so elegontly state it. The opinions of christians is entirely predictable in a
general sense so could be wrong. Your entire argument is nothing but a broad and unknowing brush off,of every other person's thoughts but your own.
Ray writes:
My appeal says nothing about most populous. It is anchored in multi-level diversity.
You should also add, and ~1500 years of mobile military conquests. That is after all part of the reason why christianity shares such a wide dispersment and level of acceptance. To the victor goes the spoils.
'Qui non intelligit, aut taceat, aut discat'
The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.-FZ
The industrial revolution, flipped a bitch on evolution.-NOFX