One of the things I realized in this forum, is that we all seek some kind of truth or explanation for things.
As I watched Carl Sagan last night, trying to explain all the different combinations for life in just our galaxy (billions and billions) based on his current knowledge, he said "Why do we look for signs of extrarrestrial life? Because it will help define who we are"
I personally can't wait for a mission to Mars, where we can see if life was ever there. With life popping up in every nook and crany here on earth, it would only stand to reason that life could have easily existed on Mars, and may even hold life now. After all we are part of the same cosmic soup.
There happens to be a strong correlation between patterns of light absorption by some dust clouds and that made by small hollow spheres the size of common (earthly) bacteria. This led Fred Hoyle and N. Chandra Wickramasinghe to propose the theory of Panspermia, where life was seeded on earth from space (1 Klyce). While this idea has been ridiculed, this correlation still exists.
Just where do we see these similar light patterns in our universe?