traste writes:
1.And then go ahead give a mathemathical proof for evolution 2. It sounds you dont have any understanding in evolution.Im not learning mathemathics but I am a veteran in mathemathics.
Well there veteran, perhaps you could use some of your mathematical superiority to master the DBcodes on your left when you post. I don't remember anyone else who has had as much trouble, regardless of position.
Also, just to reiterate what pretty much everyone else says, proof is a concept limited to mathematics and law. There is no mathematical proof of evolution any more than there is a mathematical proof of gravity or the germ theory of disease.
Perhaps as one who appears to deny what practitioners consider ironclad evidence, you may be so kind as to offer any mathematical proof of intelligent design or Last Thursdayism.
Edited by anglagard, : grammar and a hedge
Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider - Francis Bacon
The more we understand particular things, the more we understand God - Spinoza