AlphaOmegakid writes:
Biogenesis is all living matter comes from pre-existing living matter. Biogenesis is bacteria come from bacteria. Biogenesis is maggots come from flies. Biogenesis is dogs come from dogs. Biogenesis is tulips come from tulip bulbs. Biogenesis is corn comes from corn seeds.
The law of biogenesis sums up the observation that all contemporary life forms that we've examined come from other life forms.
"Life always
comes from life", so far as we know, or as Wiki puts it:
Pasteur's (and others) empirical results were summarized in the phrase, Omne vivum ex vivo (or Omne vivum ex ovo), Latin for "all life [is] from [an] egg". This is sometimes called "law of biogenesis" and shows that modern organisms do not spontaneously arise in nature from non-life.
Spontaneous generation - Wikipedia My bold.
The egg part was literally wrong, of course, but the principle still holds.
The assertion that "life always
came from life" is a completely different one, and requires an eternal universe which is always in a state that could support life. This is in complete contradiction to all contemporary cosmological models, which show that life could not have existed in the early universe, meaning that some kind of abiogenesis must have taken place somewhere.
The attempt by young earth creationists to use an eternal life argument based, presumably, on a lack of understanding of the tenses of the verb "to come" is hilarious. Life is both young and eternal, apparently.
Edited by bluegenes, : wrong word