Pardon me, but you totally misunderstand the hebrew culture and naming convention of the time. Calling a child 'the mighty god' is a celebration that the god of Isreal is great, not saying the the child is god.
Let us look at what the Jewish Study bible says about Isaiah 9:6 (the mighty God'
5 The mighty god .. ruler This long sentance is the throne name of the roal child. Semitic names often consists of sentances that describe God; thus the name Isaiah in Hebrew manes 'The lord saves", Hezekiah "The loard strengthens"; in Akkadian, the name of the Babylonian King Merodach-baladan( (Isa 39.1) means 'The god Marduk has provded an heir". These names do not describe the person who hold them, but the god whom the parents worship.
Trying to interpret ancient Jewish writings with Christian preconceptions is bound to come across misinterprations.