The creationist will just say that is microevolution, and that what they want is evidence that macroevolution occurs.
Creationism rejects microevolution. There are some Creationists of the Fundamentalist nature that do accept microevolution, just like Atheist evolutionism accepts microevolution. But these "Creationists" are the exception based on their affinity with Atheist evolutionism.
Creationism says that each species owe their existence to special creation.
This thread is to define what "large scale change" means in reality and then see how it is shown in the fossil record.
The undisturbed fossil record as seen in the crust of the Earth shows species appearing, changing slightly, then disappearing. No evolution is seen. The same proves special creation. The fact of IC explains why evolution is not seen in the crust of the Earth. All of the same corroborates special creation to be a scientific fact.