Hi Randman,
I understand you don't believe you started this off-topic digression, but I've read almost all your posts since your return, and you seem to be introducing topic drift everywhere you go. This is consistent with your history here, which also includes making discussion personal, and there's another factor where your goal seems to be chaos rather than understanding.
Moderators here no longer attempt to coax and cajole members into being good citizens, and certainly in your time here if anything was going to work with you we would already have found it. You're last suspension was for four weeks, your next will be permanent. Since the January reorganization there has not been a single reversal of any permanent suspension. I usually send people requesting reinstatement to Jar's new discussion board, but I can't recall the name or URL at the moment.
I'm sure you think this is biased and unfair and all the rest, but I can't help that. There are some people who can have civil on-topic constructive conversations at any discussion board, and there are some who can't. This board no longer permits participation by those in the latter category.
Please, no replies.
Added by Edit: Jar's website is
Edited by Admin, : Provide URL.
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| EvC Forum Director |