Please note that the "easy" challenge was to show mutations identified as being "beneficial" and "morphological".
I refer you again, AOK, to post 185 of this thread. At least a part of the reason that people with hemoglobin C don't suffer symptoms of malaria, even when infected with
Plasmodium parasites, is a matter of morphology. If you have
Plasmodium in your red blood cells and have hemoglobin A, the blood cells grow "knobs" and get "sticky" - they gum up in capillaries and cause blockages in your circulation that can kill you. If you have hemoglobin C, you get very few "knobs" and don't get blockages. So you have a better chance to live past infancy and have kids that do, too.
Morphology. Beneficial.
Nature, v435, pp1117-1121, (2005)
.....countdown begins to "well, that's not really morphological, 'cause it's not a femur or a skull..."
Edited by Coragyps, : typo
"The wretched world lies now under the tyranny of foolishness; things are believed by Christians of such absurdity as no one ever could aforetime induce the heathen to believe." - Agobard of Lyons,
ca. 830 AD