Babylon Enish Dictionary advantageous
adj. beneficial, profitable; helpful
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) Browse
Being of advantage; conferring advantage; gainful; profitable; useful; beneficial; as, an advantageous position; trade is advantageous to a nation.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter. About
WordNet 2.0 Browse
1. giving an advantage; "a contract advantageous to our country"; "socially advantageous to entertain often"
(antonym) disadvantageous, harmful
(similar) beneficial, good
(see-also) expedient
2. appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness
(synonym) appropriate
(similar) expedient
Babylon English Dictionary beneficial
adj. advantageous; pleasurable, enjoyable
Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia Browse
HSBC Finance
"Beneficial" redirects here; for other uses, see Benefit.
"HFC Bank" redirects here; for the bank in Ghana see Home Finance Company
HSBC Finance Corporation is a financial services company and a member of the HSBC Group. It is the sixth-largest issuer of MasterCard and Visa credit cards in the United States. HSBC Finance Corporation was formed from the legal entity that had been known as Household International, and is now is expanding its consumer finance model via the HSBC Group to Brazil, India, Argentina and elsewhere.
See more at
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Babylon Spanish-English Browse
adj. advantageous, profitable; pertaining to ecclesiastical beneficies
Babylon Portuguese-English Browse
adj. beneficial, advantageous; pleasurable, enjoyable
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) Browse
Receiving, or entitled to have or receive, advantage, use, or benefit; as, the beneficial owner of an estate.
Conferring benefits; useful; profitable; helpful; advantageous; serviceable; contributing to a valuable end; -- followed by to.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter. About
Michaelis Moderno Dicionário Portugus-Ingls (Portuguese-English) Browse
[benefisi'aw] adj m+f (pl beneficiais) beneficial, relative to ecclesiastical benefits.
Obviously beneficial & advantageous mean the same thing in that they are synonyms, therefore a beneficial mutation would be an advantageous mutation.
There is no better love between 2 people than mutual respect for each other WT Young, 2002
Who gave anyone the authority to call me an authority on anything. WT Young, 1969