You see, when it is warm the ice in Greenland glaciers begin to melt (at least a half-inch layer or so of water) that creates clear ice. Then, when it gets colder, the snow compacts and forms white ice. So, you are trying to say that the layers of clear and white ice indicate summer, winter, summer, winter, right?
That's not true, you see, in 1942 the Lost Squadron of WWII pilots landed their planes in Greenland because they couldn't make it across the ocean with the fuel they had. Anyway, they abandoned to planes until 1990 when some excavators decided to get the planes back from Greenland. The problem is, after 48 years, the ice had covered the plane by 263 feet of ice. However, there were THOUSANDS of those "annual layers," so you see the layers represent warm-cold-warm-cold--you can get 10 of those in one week in Greenland!
Heard this, heard it refuted.
Were you aware that the planes landed towards the coast of Greenland, where it snows all the time? Precipitation makes ice cores unreliable. So ice cores are taken from the center of Greenland, which is like an icy desert (no precipitation.) You might like to read a more extensive examination of the subject
Anyway, if ice cores are so unreliable, how come they match up so well with independant age verifiers, like recorded volcanic activity (we find the ash in the ice)? In truth, if you get the cores from the right place they're a great way to establish the dates of ice ages.
I told you, I am full of anti-evolution evidence when it gets down to it.
No, when it gets right down to it, all you have are the same tired arguments that we've refuted over and over again and that you've just copied from websites. Try a little real research sometime.