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Author Topic:   DNA similarities ARE NOT proof of evolution
Member (Idle past 1792 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 9 of 46 (37732)
04-23-2003 6:12 PM
Reply to: Message 8 by zephyr
04-23-2003 5:58 PM

Re: What are you getting at...
Try Googling for "prion" and spend half an hour learning about them. Hmm... simple, self-replicating organic particles that appear to spontaneously generate. So much for the gaping chasm between life and non-life. We've known for years that it's full of such ambiguous particles.
Prions are fun. (unless they're rotting your brain, ala Chronic Wasting Disease) I wouldn't say they spontaneously generate - it's more that they're a degenrate shape of a specific protein that catalyzes other, non-degenrate proteins to take on that shape. (Those proteins catalyze other proteins, and so on in a chain reaction.)
Are they life? Obviously not. (At least to my thinking, they have no ability to respond to changes in the environment.) Could they bear some similarity to the first self-replicating molecules? It's possible. They're a good example of how a molecule could reproduce without the sophisticated cellular mechanisms that let DNA copy itself.
My theory (if I may be permitted a Douglas Hofstatder-type junction of logic and biology) is that in any sufficiently complex system such particles will arise spontaneously - self-perpetuating degenerate states, ala Godel's incompleteness theorem. Perhaps life itself started as such a state in some simpler system of chemical interactions.
Ok, now I'm starting to sound like Brad McFall. I better stop musing...

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 Message 8 by zephyr, posted 04-23-2003 5:58 PM zephyr has not replied

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 Message 10 by Wounded King, posted 04-23-2003 6:42 PM crashfrog has replied

Member (Idle past 1792 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 11 of 46 (37736)
04-23-2003 7:15 PM
Reply to: Message 10 by Wounded King
04-23-2003 6:42 PM

As you pointed out, they don't actually have any ability to self replicate.
Not on their own, no. But I think that the first self-replicating molecules might have followed a similar process - they would have catalyzed pre-existing complex organic molecules (molequles that would have a natural origin) into more of themselves.
I'm no molecular biologist (not even close). Just an armchair thinker. Prions suggest to me that molecules could exist that could catalyze a reaction that would create more of themselves.

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 Message 10 by Wounded King, posted 04-23-2003 6:42 PM Wounded King has replied

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 Message 12 by NosyNed, posted 04-23-2003 7:43 PM crashfrog has not replied
 Message 17 by Wounded King, posted 04-24-2003 7:54 AM crashfrog has not replied

Member (Idle past 1792 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 23 of 46 (37861)
04-24-2003 1:16 PM
Reply to: Message 22 by booboocruise
04-24-2003 12:47 PM

Re: booboo living up to his name again ...
You see, when it is warm the ice in Greenland glaciers begin to melt (at least a half-inch layer or so of water) that creates clear ice. Then, when it gets colder, the snow compacts and forms white ice. So, you are trying to say that the layers of clear and white ice indicate summer, winter, summer, winter, right?
That's not true, you see, in 1942 the Lost Squadron of WWII pilots landed their planes in Greenland because they couldn't make it across the ocean with the fuel they had. Anyway, they abandoned to planes until 1990 when some excavators decided to get the planes back from Greenland. The problem is, after 48 years, the ice had covered the plane by 263 feet of ice. However, there were THOUSANDS of those "annual layers," so you see the layers represent warm-cold-warm-cold--you can get 10 of those in one week in Greenland!
Heard this, heard it refuted.
Were you aware that the planes landed towards the coast of Greenland, where it snows all the time? Precipitation makes ice cores unreliable. So ice cores are taken from the center of Greenland, which is like an icy desert (no precipitation.) You might like to read a more extensive examination of the subject here.
Anyway, if ice cores are so unreliable, how come they match up so well with independant age verifiers, like recorded volcanic activity (we find the ash in the ice)? In truth, if you get the cores from the right place they're a great way to establish the dates of ice ages.
I told you, I am full of anti-evolution evidence when it gets down to it.
No, when it gets right down to it, all you have are the same tired arguments that we've refuted over and over again and that you've just copied from websites. Try a little real research sometime.

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 Message 22 by booboocruise, posted 04-24-2003 12:47 PM booboocruise has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 26 by booboocruise, posted 04-24-2003 1:28 PM crashfrog has replied

Member (Idle past 1792 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 27 of 46 (37869)
04-24-2003 1:49 PM
Reply to: Message 26 by booboocruise
04-24-2003 1:28 PM

Re: booboo living up to his name again ...
The "refutes" are based on speculation.
Speculation? The precipitation levels of Greenland are very well-measured. Did you follow the link and read the posts?
Anyway, if the poles are reliable to the evolutionists who study them, and unreliable to creationists, you don't KNOW that they are reliable at all.
Either that, or I know that creationists are motivated not by earnest aquisition of data but in confirming specific ideology. the fact that the data is "unreliable" only for those beggin a specific conclusion is very telling indeed.
Anyway what are you talking about, "poles"? I don't recall saying anything about poles. Please explain what you mean.
notice that there were leaves, trees, and coal found in Antarctica right? You probably didn't hear the whole story: the plants are not fossilized (that means they were not buried BEFORE the ice age, and since they were not decayed, they were obviously placed in the ice very rapidly).
Remember when I was talking about plate tectonics (which you never responded to)? Antarctica used to be much farther north - far enough to have green vegitation. Also you may be aware that coal is itself decayed, fossilized plant matter so your post is self-contradictory.
Look, this isn't even remotely on topic. First, address the legion responses to your inital topics. Then, if you want to talk about ice cores and airplanes, open a new topic or refute the one I sent you to.

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 Message 26 by booboocruise, posted 04-24-2003 1:28 PM booboocruise has not replied

Member (Idle past 1792 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 30 of 46 (37886)
04-24-2003 2:56 PM
Reply to: Message 29 by Admin
04-24-2003 2:46 PM

Re: And now, a word from our topic...
Since the topic started with Booboocruise's nonsense, and he has not yet seen fit to respond to any refutations of his arguments, we can only assume he has conceded his original point, or else has no interest in defending it.
Thus I think we can assume the topic is relatively dead, and probably close-worthy. If BBC wants to respond to statements perhaps he can start a new topic in the appropriate section...
Sorry for the tone of the post - I know no one died and made me admin. But it does seem like the admins are being especially forebearing with BBC...?

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 Message 29 by Admin, posted 04-24-2003 2:46 PM Admin has not replied

Member (Idle past 1792 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 41 of 46 (38744)
05-02-2003 3:45 AM
Reply to: Message 40 by Sepiraph
05-02-2003 3:39 AM

Whether evolution has occurred is generally not debated in the realm of real science, and certainly creationist's non-sense has no place in any scientific discussion.
Well, that's why you're reading these discussion on the internet, not on the pages of Nature. No offense to the admins (Percy especially) who clearly devote a lot of their time to running this whole thing.
My point is, creationists have to be debated somewhere or else their claims of being victim of a conspiracy to silence them begin to ring true. This way we're able to show them the error of their ways before they launch on a crusade to destroy science education in this country and others.

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 Message 40 by Sepiraph, posted 05-02-2003 3:39 AM Sepiraph has replied

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 Message 42 by Sepiraph, posted 05-02-2003 3:55 AM crashfrog has replied

Member (Idle past 1792 days)
Posts: 19762
From: Silver Spring, MD
Joined: 03-20-2003

Message 43 of 46 (38847)
05-03-2003 4:04 AM
Reply to: Message 42 by Sepiraph
05-02-2003 3:55 AM

Right, I agree with you theoretically but then if they outrightly reject science or alter the facts/experiment data to their own likings, then they would reject whatever "evidences" we provide. Remember that a religion works on faith, and that's blind faith, mind you.
True enough. Some of them think, however, that their faith isn't blind - they can justify their beliefs with reason and science too. Once they've made that gamble, we're able to put the choice in front of them - there's no scientific evidence for creationist models, so either they must admit their faith cannot be justified by science or accept the findings of science and adapt their beliefs to match. Either way we've made our point - young earth models can't be held up by the evidence.
Even if a really hard-core creationist says "Gosh, I thought I had this killer proof but it totally failed to convince anybody, why might that be?" the seed is there. They must at least entertain the idea that their faith might not be the best place to get ideas about the nature of reality. That's enough for me, I guess.

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 Message 42 by Sepiraph, posted 05-02-2003 3:55 AM Sepiraph has not replied

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