What a "common creator" would not be responsible for?
Well, the DNA similarities are just that: similarities.
By the way, if evolution is a FACT, why is there no posted evidence for it?
G. K. Chesterton said, and I quote: "The evolutionists seem to know everything there is to know about the missing links, except the fact that they're missing..." How true.
Ernst Mayr, a professor at Harvard, and an evolutionist, wrote in his book: "This chapter [2] will be a presentation of the evidence that led to the 'evolution is a fact'..."
Interesting enough, the ONLY evidence he uses were: the geologic column, bone structure, embryology, biogeography, and molecular analysis. Here is where I see his faults:
Geologic column: This was 'made up' by Charles Lyell in 1830, contains many polystrate fossils, and is inconclusive at best. (not to mention, 80% of the world's geological sites do not contain rocks in 'proper order' to be used as real evidence for the strata ages).
Bone structure: Just because a human and a whale both have appendages with bones named "radius, ulna, humerus, etc." does not prove evolutionst--it just proves that people gave the same names to the fin-bones of a whale that they gave to the arm-bones of a human. Besides, the bones of a whale's fin were developed on DIFFERENT parts of the chromosome, which actually proves that it is unsufficient evidence.
Embryology: Mayr used Haeckel's drawings of 1870, comparing the similarity in the early stages of the embryo in different animals. Haeckel was brought on trial in the 1870's and he confessed that the drawins were fraudulant. In fact, when compared to real photographs, the drawings are obvious pro-evolution propaganda.
Biogeography: That just proves that similar animals live in different parts of the world. Although interesting, I see no evidence that that proves we evolved from bacterio 3.6 billion years ago.
Molecular analysis: Actually, bacteria are quite complex. In fact, the greatest missing link of all lies between bacteria and nonliving matter--that's more like the entire chain is missing (for the "SIMPLEST" creature to come together, that would require the spontaneous combination of 20 different amino acids, ribo-nucleic acid strands, ribosomes, cytoplasm, and a cell membrane.) Do HONESTLY think that that just happened by chance. To believe in that requires MUCH MORE faith than to believe in God's hand in the deal. Actually, common sense led me to reject evolution BEFORE I BECAME A CHRISTIAN, because those odds are too enormous.
If you have hard, irrefutable evidence that the Bible is lying please let me know, (AND CITE YOUR SOURCES SO I CAN LOOK IT UP ON MY OWN).
In Christ,