Though there are many species of a finch, a finch is still a finch, and so to is man still a man though there are yellow, red, and brown ones. There are limits to the theory, limits which I cannot deny, nor close my eyes too. I can by no means look to evolution as reality, though its theory is a part of it.
Hmm, the good ol' Kinds argument. Maybe you could help me decide which Kind man is in. Just remember the following:
Humans always begat humans. . . .
Primates alwyas begat primates . . .
Mammals always begat mammals. . .
Chordates always begat chordates . . .
Animals always begat animals . . .
Eukaryotes always begat eukaryotes . . .
Well, things with DNA, RNA, and protein always begat things with DNA, RNA, and protein. Hmm, I wonder how far back this "Kind" thing goes? Maybe you could tell me how I can draw a line between mammals and primates, just for a start.