I don't believe there are many scientists waisting their time trying to disprove religion. This whole debate was brought about by religion, not science. Science exists independent of religion, and science will continue to make new discoveries that Christians will, for some reason I cannot understand, find offensive.
I gather that you really haven't done much research on where the evo/creo debate comes from. It started because some Christians saw evolution as a threat and set out to combat it. In doing so, they came up with what is generally called the doctrine of biblical inerrancy (or infallibility). They insist that this doctrine must be defended by anyone who wants to be considered a true Christian.
In other words, they've built a house of worship on quicksand. The BI doctrine is absolutely untenable, and any person with even a modest education in science knows it. However, some Christians consider this doctrine so important that they have invented what they call "creation science", which isn't science at all, to defend it. I suppose "creation science" could be called a field of study, but this sort of study has nothing in common with science. It's raison d'tre is to defend the inerrancy of certain texts, the youngest of which are nearly 2000 years old. "Creation science" does not exist to expand human knowledge. In fact, it seeks to stop the expansion of human knowledge.
Until mainstream Christianity abandons this BI nonsense it will continue to drive thinking people away from the churches.
[This message has been edited by berberry, 02-04-2004]