Thanks for the welcome Sylas and Nosy. Sure is a wealth of information on this site, and tons of knowledgable people to share information with! Way more knowlegable than me..unliklely I would tempt to take anybody head on, but it's nice to know that a place such as this exists for gathering information and asking questions.
BTW, just by way of introduction, I am a clinical microbiologist, hence the choice of username. The job allows very little time for any independent research,so I basically just watch the bugs grow and than try to figure out the best way to kill them!
One thing I am curious about though is how the copying quotes function operates. I'm sure you've probably explained it a million times and won't ask you to repeat it, but if you could just direct me to where I can find out that would be great.
Again, thanks for the warm welcome!
This message has been edited by Bugtracker, 12-16-2004 02:32 PM