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Author Topic:   DRUGS!
Member (Idle past 5167 days)
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From: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Joined: 07-21-2003

Message 1 of 180 (400757)
05-16-2007 3:18 PM

This is a coffee house topic.
I'm just wandering what the general attitude toward drug use is here at EvC. What drugs have you tried? Any regrets with any of them? Do you use, moderately or heavily?
I'll start off its my topic. In the last 10 years of my life (i'm 22), i've tried basically every drug that I'm aware off. These include: alcohol, marijuana, mescaline, LSD, muschrooms, vicodin, percocet, cocaine (powder and rock), oxycotin, heroin, and methadone. Needless to say, I had a very liberal attitude wrt to drug use.
I regret immensely using psychodelics. You literally become insane during these "trips" and, in my opinion, it is the scariest thing one can do to themselves. I don't believe you experience some form of reality not accessible to our normal state of consciosness: you simply are temporarily crazy. Atleast, this is my experience.
With regard to marijuana, i'm still kind of adverse to it since in excessive use it made me very apathetic and hindered my intelligence. When I quit smoking some 3 or 4 years ago I noticed a drastic clarity in thought which I had forgotten in the confusion and haze of THC.
Now with opiates, all I can say is that you are playing Russian roulette since no one really knows how "addictive" their personality is until they've experienced this dopamine rush. Some people can use them moderately, I was one of them, but I didn't know that at the time. I've seen friends spiral out of control with their use, and that could have easily been me. I was lucky enough to not become addicted immediately and stop using before it had permanent effects on my psyche.
Cocaine, on the other hand, I was not so lucky with. I fell for this HARD. I used daily for about 15 months, somehow managing to get through school and graduate. Looking back, I really have no idea how this was achieved considering how strung out of I was most the time. I became someone I despised and it the biggest regret of my life. I still suffer from the effects in terms of a mild depression and incessant (though nowadays less and less frequent) cravings.
This isn't an anti-drug thread or anything. Positive and negative experiences are welcomed if they're so inclined.
Edited by JustinC, : Typos

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 Message 14 by Tusko, posted 05-17-2007 5:09 AM JustinC has not replied
 Message 15 by Phat, posted 05-17-2007 5:25 AM JustinC has not replied
 Message 17 by Dan Carroll, posted 05-17-2007 10:42 AM JustinC has not replied
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 Message 172 by Larni, posted 06-01-2007 12:27 PM JustinC has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 2 of 180 (400780)
05-16-2007 4:59 PM

Thread moved here from the Proposed New Topics forum.
JustinC - you may submit Coffee House topics directly.
Edited by AdminCoragyps, : No reason given.

Member (Idle past 1058 days)
Posts: 5553
From: Snyder, Texas, USA
Joined: 11-12-2002

Message 3 of 180 (400784)
05-16-2007 5:08 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by JustinC
05-16-2007 3:18 PM

I tried about everything that was available back in 1968-70. I quit all but alcohol after a bad LSD experience in '70 - though I'd probably smoke a pipeload of opium right now if someone offered one.
Pot made me too lazy, too. Hallucinogens were pretty neat except for that bad trip - watching the first man land on the moon on acid made it all the more, er, special! And "watching" how one's thigh muscles slide over each other from five feet above the porch swing one is swinging in is OK, too.

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Pete OS
Junior Member (Idle past 6423 days)
Posts: 31
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Message 4 of 180 (400791)
05-16-2007 6:02 PM

I have never tried any illegal substance. I didn't even have a drink until I was 21. My wife and I started experimenting with alchohol around 23 but I didn't really settle down into any regular drinking pattern until 27 or so. I am now 28, and drink at least twice a week, and the average is creeping up to 3 to 4 times and a few weeks it was all 7 days. I never get drunk, just a nice happy buzz. But considering alchohol is both psychologically and physiologically addictive, I should know better. I have a very addictive personality. Its also expensive (even though I buy the cheapest alchohol there is: 1.75 Liters of Skol vodka for $8.99). It also pays a toll on my waist line. I am 28, around 10% body fat, and am just showing signs of a six pack, wanting to lose about 5 more pounds since I probably only have a few years left to look this good, and at the same time I am drinking completly uneeded dehydrating liquid at 60 calories an ounce.
I remember about a year ago while reading a introduction to forensic science textbook I bought used on Amazon; I learned about the different drugs and which were psychologically and which were physiologically addictive. I was suprised to see a yes on both for alchohol and a no on both for marijuana and LSD. It gave me pause about the whole legalizing of marijuana debate.
As for other drugs, I have had my share of the opiates through various surgeries and tooth complications. Hydrocodone (Vicodone, Lorcett) OxyCodone (probably Percocet). Let me tell you, that was GOOD stuff. It really changed my perception of drugs. 1) I knew why people took it. 2) I knew I was just as capable of becoming an addict as the next guy and 3) while I obviously don't condone their behavior, I have more compassion for those who get hooked on perscription drugs. Thankfully, my perscriptions would run out and not being the law breaking type, I didn't have any more access to them. (And yet, I can't wait for my next tooth problem I have read that you adjust to the euphoria pretty quickly and need larger and larger doses. Its probably best if I never get my hands on another bottle of these magic pills.
Now having read up on it, I would never try Heroin or Cocaine. But if it become legal, I might try LSD or marijuana.
Regrets? Its hard to say if I regret getting involved with alchohol. On the one hand, my wife and I have had some fun times with its use (always at home mind you). But the suddle pull to get a drink, even on nights where I am doing nothing but reading, is beginning to ramp up. And though I usually drink in moderation, I can tell I am not quite as sharp in whatever I am doing. And of coarse, I may be blowing my one last chance to look really good without my shirt on. I think the jury is still out. Let's see if I can get my drinking down to once a week and then I'll let you know.

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 Message 5 by Coragyps, posted 05-16-2007 6:10 PM Pete OS has not replied

Member (Idle past 1058 days)
Posts: 5553
From: Snyder, Texas, USA
Joined: 11-12-2002

Message 5 of 180 (400793)
05-16-2007 6:10 PM
Reply to: Message 4 by Pete OS
05-16-2007 6:02 PM

and am just showing signs of a six pack...
I went for the keg, instead.
I forgot to mention regrets. Yes, I regret a little that I lowered my GPA by being a pothead. But overall, I was lucky enough to not get strung out on opiates, and coke was so very rare then that I never had more than a taste or two. I'm just as glad I quit - heads don't necessarily make the best parents - but no, no big regrets.

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 Message 4 by Pete OS, posted 05-16-2007 6:02 PM Pete OS has not replied

Member (Idle past 2493 days)
Posts: 12961
From: Ann Arbor
Joined: 12-09-2001

Message 6 of 180 (400803)
05-16-2007 7:16 PM

I'm a big square, and I'm glad of it
Have never taken any drug recreationally except for alcohol.
I have never had a blackout, never thrown up, never had anything remotely close to a "bad" hangover. I have certainly been intoxicated but my body does an interesting thing; after drinking a few, especially if I have them fairly close together, it just doesn't taste good to me anymore, so I stop.
I don't consider myself to have a propensity to addiction at all. I frankly looked down on the druggie burnouts and rich alcoholic kids in my high school as lame and pathetic. We would lose at least a couple of kids a year to DWI accidents every year. I did not have the typical invincible teenager attitude of "It's not going to happen to me". I always thought, "Why wouldn't it happen to me?" Rational and averse to magical thinking even then, I guess.
As a college freshman, I decided to get drunk for the first time, in my dorm room, with a couple of friends. Two wine coolers had me literally bouncing off the walls, and I remain a relative lightweight to this day. After that experience, I rarely bothered with booze except on rare occasions when we went out. I considered it a huge waste of money since I was always saving for horse show entry fees. I was also taking a lot of early morning riding lessons and had volleyball practice in the mornings, too, so it just wasn't something that fit into my life.
In my early twenties, and being inexperienced with alcohol, I once drove a short distance on the highway after having a couple of glasses of wine. I could tell that my reaction time was adversely affected and it was extremely scary becasue I knew that there was nothing I could do to improve my performance. I have never done that since.
I now sometimes enjoy wine with a special dinner a couple of times a month, or rarely a glass in the evening just because it tastes good. There is also the very occasional margarita, martini, or screwdriver-type cocktail. Again, always as part of an event or celebration. It wouldn't occur to me to just "have a cocktail" at the end of the day.
I have never craved alcohol or used it to "relax". I drink it first for the flavor and how it enhances my culinary experience of a meal, and second, and far less importantly, for the drug. In fact, if wine didn't have alcohol in it at all, I wouldn't miss it.
Oh, right, I just turned 39 this spring.
I also think it is interesting that nobody has brought up the highly addictive drug nicotine yet.

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 Message 11 by Coragyps, posted 05-16-2007 9:37 PM nator has not replied

Posts: 2363
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined: 08-19-2004
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Message 7 of 180 (400810)
05-16-2007 7:40 PM

I too have four sides of equal length at right angles to each other.
I don't smoke and don't drink, aside from prescription painkillers (which I used sparingly) when I had my wisdom teeth out I've had 1 drug experience in my 30 years. Here is the morphine story (as previously recounted for a friend's website and edited a bit):
The Morphine Story: or how I learned to stop worrying and love The Bomb fear Drugs
About 6 months into our relationship the then Ms. Jones and I took a road trip to Calgary to visit my sister and some of Ms. Jones' friends. We stayed with Ms. Jones' friend Crazy Jen. So one night I had a horrible horrible headache, the worst pain I had ever felt. So Crazy Jen asks if I want anything for it "Asprin, Tylenol, Morphine?". I chose the morphine. Ms. Jones gave me this crazy "what are you doing look?", I thought it would be okay because Ms. Whyt had informed me that Crazy Jen had been in a bad car crash and I assumed that the Morphine was prescribed to her and that everything was on the up and up. Later I learned that no, Crazy Jen is a hypochondriac drug addict, who woulda thunk it? I mean surely a nickname like Crazy Jen would've been enough to tip me off. So I took the Morphine and quickly fell asleep. Three to four hours later I woke up feeling great, no headache, felt like I had had the best sleep ever. Ms. Jones and I fooled around a bit and then I got up with the intention of going to the bathroom, my body had other plans and I promptly fell down.
After several attempts to stand my legs finally started working and I stumbled to the bathroom, one hand on the wall for support. After carefully doing my business I headed back to bed, once more with my hand on the wall to keep me propped up. This worked well until I got to the entrance to the kitchen, there was no longer a wall to hold me up and I fell sideways into the kitchen. I then slowly crawled back to bed and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up feeling fine and Ms. Jones and I went to brunch with Crazy Jen and her mother. In the car ride to the restaurant I started to get nauseous and upon I arriving I ran to the bathroom and barfed my guts out. I then sat miserably at the table while everyone ate.
And that's the Morphine story. Remember kids drugs are bad mmmkay?
Edited by DrJones*, : No reason given.

Just a monkey in a long line of kings.
If "elitist" just means "not the dumbest motherfucker in the room", I'll be an elitist!
*not an actual doctor

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 Message 8 by nator, posted 05-16-2007 8:04 PM DrJones* has not replied

Member (Idle past 2493 days)
Posts: 12961
From: Ann Arbor
Joined: 12-09-2001

Message 8 of 180 (400814)
05-16-2007 8:04 PM
Reply to: Message 7 by DrJones*
05-16-2007 7:40 PM

Re: I too have four sides of equal length at right angles to each other.
Ms. Whyt had informed me that Crazy Jen had been in a bad car crash and I assumed that the Morphine was prescribed to her and that everything was on the up and up.
Of course, even if she had been prescribed the morphine, it doesn't mean that it was OK for YOU (or anybody else) to take it.

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Member (Idle past 3615 days)
Posts: 5069
From: Zerus
Joined: 07-18-2006

Message 9 of 180 (400825)
05-16-2007 9:02 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by JustinC
05-16-2007 3:18 PM

Even though I am currently leaning toward being for legalization of drugs, I've never tried anything except alcohol and caffeine and have absolutely no intention or desire to try anything beside alcohol and caffeine in the future.
I never got hooked on alcohol. Caffeine, however, I got hooked on during my senior year. After I graduated, I had to go through a period of withdraw. Nowadays, I only drink coffee (it's so damn tasty!) to reward myself for something I've done that I'm proud of... and then pay for it that night.

We are BOG. Resistance is voltage over current.
Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style.
He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!

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Member (Idle past 1578 days)
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Message 10 of 180 (400832)
05-16-2007 9:36 PM

Square, but with slightly rounded corners.
Had a bit of alcohol before it was legal for me to do so. Nothing else illegal.
Drink occasionally, often to excess on Friday the 13th, (poker night) but very rarely, to excess other than that.
Smoke cigars.
Used to drink a lot of Diet Mt. Dew (8-12 cans a day). Quit caffiene in three days after they changed the formula.
Strongly in favor of decriminalization of all drugs.

Those who would sacrifice an essential liberty for a temporary security will lose both, and deserve neither. -- Benjamin Franklin
We see monsters where science shows us windmills. -- Phat

Member (Idle past 1058 days)
Posts: 5553
From: Snyder, Texas, USA
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Message 11 of 180 (400833)
05-16-2007 9:37 PM
Reply to: Message 6 by nator
05-16-2007 7:16 PM

Re: I'm a big square, and I'm glad of it
I also think it is interesting that nobody has brought up the highly addictive drug nicotine yet.
Oh, yeah! I smoked like a coal-fired freight train - two+ packs a day of unfiltered Camels - until the went up to $0.35 a pack, and then switched to rolling my own Bugler through grad school. That is seriously addictive crap! I quit when my oldest child brought enough propaganda home from first grade to drive home what I already knew about the health hazards.
Hardly missed smoking at all after the first three years or so....

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Member (Idle past 198 days)
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Message 12 of 180 (400845)
05-16-2007 10:18 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by JustinC
05-16-2007 3:18 PM

My body is a temple.

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Member (Idle past 1790 days)
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From: Silver Spring, MD
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Message 13 of 180 (400852)
05-16-2007 10:38 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by JustinC
05-16-2007 3:18 PM

What drugs have you tried? Any regrets with any of them? Do you use, moderately or heavily?
I smoked some pot once. I recall it being fun (and Fleetwood Mac sounding totally awesome.)
I've always been interested in trying psychedelics, particularly in the experience of synesthesia, but I never have.
I guess the deal is - I'm not that interested in drugs, I don't really get hooked on them (I can't even maintain a caffeine addiction), and I don't know anybody who uses them so I can't get access to them safely.
I guess if they were legal I'd keep some pot around just for the occasional weekend, but the risks (like, getting shot by reprobates in the parts of town where drugs are sold) have always kept me far away.

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Member (Idle past 424 days)
Posts: 615
From: London, UK
Joined: 10-01-2004

Message 14 of 180 (400875)
05-17-2007 5:09 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by JustinC
05-16-2007 3:18 PM

Booze is nice, though I used to enjoy making myself ill and I don't any more. Tea/Coffee are nice; I'm lucky enough to live in a house with a decent espresso maker. I used to enjoy smoking pot a lot socially (i.e. I smoked other people's) but ever since I had an unpleasant panic attack (on the day my undergraduate results were posted, which didn't help) the attraction has waned somewhat.
I noticed last year when I was smoking a bit with my then flatmates on a regular basis that the effects became less and less interesting as I became habituated. After a couple of weeks of smoking most nights it was basically like having a pleasant headache.
One thing that frustrates me is that in the past I have usually become very creative when stoned, and can churn out songs and creative writing that I'm pleased with when sober. I wish I could find a way to tap this creativity without recourse to a thick smoke that has to be inhaled deeply into the lungs, but so far haven't had much luck. I have so far avoided getting stoned with the expectation of being creative because this doesn't seem very healthy to me.
My only experience of heroin was at university when one of my housemates got addicted and started borrowing fairly large amounts of money. I didn't know what was going on until we moved out. That was pretty weird.
Also, another of my friends who has probably tried just about every drug you could name, said that crack made him feel incredibly normal - much more normal than he had ever felt before. Apparently this isn't a very nice experience. I'm not planning to follow in his footsteps though. I'm terrified of addiction.
The thing I've never tried, or at least not knowingly (I once had a rather suspiciously trippy experience after smoking some very strong pot, which concievably might have been laced with a hallucinogen), is LSD or mushrooms. I'm kind of torn because I know first hand how unpleasant a panic attack can be while under the influence, and it could be really horrible. On the other I think it would be really interesting to become insane on a hopefully temporary basis. I think I'll probably never get round to it though.

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 Message 1 by JustinC, posted 05-16-2007 3:18 PM JustinC has not replied

Posts: 18716
From: Denver,Colorado USA
Joined: 12-30-2003
Member Rating: 4.2

Message 15 of 180 (400876)
05-17-2007 5:25 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by JustinC
05-16-2007 3:18 PM

What a long strange trip it was
JustinC writes:
I'm just wandering what the general attitude toward drug use is here at EvC. What drugs have you tried? Any regrets with any of them? Do you use, moderately or heavily?
I am 47 years old. When I was 17, I first tried pot. Casual use soon turned into daily use, and I probably smoked it 90% of the days of my life between the ages of 19 and 30. In that period, I also was a Cocaine addict, having blown $40,000 of inheritance on it.
I tried hallucinogens such as "Magic Mushrooms" and little tabs of who knows what type of "acid" on them, micro-dots, as well as Vicodans, Percodans, Quaalude's, Phenobarbitals, Black Beauty (speed), and even Methadones stolen from my dying Father when he was dying from Cancer.(They were the strangest...I was naive at the time and took 40 mg at once, only to awaken literally looking down on my body...or so I perceived!)
JustinC writes:
I regret immensely using psychedelics. You literally become insane during these "trips" and, in my opinion, it is the scariest thing one can do to themselves. I don't believe you experience some form of reality not accessible to our normal state of consciousness: you simply are temporarily crazy. At least, this is my experience.
Even as a young druggie, I read up all of the literature that I could get my hands on concerning what it was that I and my friends were taking.
IIRC, the literature said that psychedelics caused synesthesia hearing colors and seeing sounds. I may or may not have experienced such a phenomena...I was always so high that I mainly noticed a distortion of the ability to synchronize time. (I once looked at the clock and watched it move an hour in what seemed like five minutes.) I also recall being unable to cross a street because it was impossible to time the cars.
I was usually only on acid when I went to see the Grateful Dead. The old joke is that if you don't take acid, you realize how crappy their music really sounds! (It was ok for me, though)
My attitude about my drug use in life? No regrets. Life is what it is. Some drugs can permanently harm a person, however...(such as huffing solvents) which a few kids I know now have done.
I want to become an addictions counselor one of these days and get my Cacc II license.

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 Message 1 by JustinC, posted 05-16-2007 3:18 PM JustinC has not replied

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 Message 27 by Coragyps, posted 05-17-2007 5:17 PM Phat has not replied

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