Love gives rise to hate. If hate is outlawed, our moral evolution reverts. Hate, born of love, is good.
Biases for both love and hate are necessary to mankind’s moral evolution. No free people would be well served to take a necessity out of it’s moral evolution.
When we develop a love bias to someone or some ideas and beliefs, we automatically develop an antithesis feeling for what would interfere or go against them. That antithesis is hate. Hate then cannot be supressed. Hate, like love, is wired into our DNA.
Hate, like it or not, is what has civilized mankind. Our great love of justice creates a great hate for things that would go against it.
It is our collective love of justice that has moved us to hate various injustices enough to rid our societies of them.
Take hate out of the equation of our human development and you end our moral evolution.
That would not be pleasing to the God I know.
Given that hate is good, tell us of what you hate?