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Author Topic:   What's the difference between Islam and Radical Islam?
Suspended Member (Idle past 1760 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 136 of 154 (802043)
03-11-2017 11:42 AM
Reply to: Message 135 by Modulous
03-11-2017 11:11 AM

Re: names
v There is no such thing as equally authoritative writings.
Sorry you're wrong. The hadiths are just as authoritative as the Koran and in fact the Hadiths are usually considered necessary for understanding the Koran. And I think there are other authoritative writings but they are escaping me at the moment.

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Member (Idle past 300 days)
Posts: 7801
From: Manchester, UK
Joined: 05-01-2005

Message 137 of 154 (802044)
03-11-2017 11:47 AM
Reply to: Message 136 by Faith
03-11-2017 11:42 AM

Re: names
The hadiths are just as authoritative as the Koran
Wrong. Authoritative - yes according to some. But not equally. In any case, an eschatological prophecy about the antichrist is not an instruction to kill all Jews today.
the Hadiths are usually considered necessary for understanding the Koran.
This is so, for most Muslims (but not all). Similarly for Christians, of course - they rely on extra biblical sources for help interpreting the Bible.

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 Message 136 by Faith, posted 03-11-2017 11:42 AM Faith has not replied

Posts: 2497
Joined: 12-22-2015

Message 138 of 154 (802055)
03-11-2017 5:06 PM

Allah as the moongod sin is a western urban legend
I think Josephus said that Abraham worshiped the moon God when he lived in southern Tigris EuphraoveR. This phonewon'tt let me spell the old Semitic spelling of Babylon but it has the word IL in it. Also see MARI documents for President pre Hebrew spelling of Hebrew names with god initially like Ishark spell dictator on phone won't let me spell Ishmael YES got it Also Shia have something of a holy spirit in Jesus called NURalMuhamadi.. Or Light of Muhammad and it is something like a baptism adoption offshoot SShe online is killing me by changing my words phone is killing me

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 Message 140 by Faith, posted 03-11-2017 9:11 PM LamarkNewAge has replied

Posts: 2497
Joined: 12-22-2015

Message 139 of 154 (802056)
03-11-2017 5:52 PM

To Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, etc. Muslim's JESUS was Caliph
Faith refuses to comment on the fact that there is effectively 100 percent opposition to a present caliphate among this group. This will be ignored though she attempted to make Iran an issue earlier

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 Message 141 by Faith, posted 03-11-2017 9:11 PM LamarkNewAge has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1760 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 140 of 154 (802060)
03-11-2017 9:11 PM
Reply to: Message 138 by LamarkNewAge
03-11-2017 5:06 PM

Re: Allah as the moongod sin is a western urban legend
As I said, Abraham came from a polytheistic culture. What's your point?

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 Message 138 by LamarkNewAge, posted 03-11-2017 5:06 PM LamarkNewAge has replied

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 Message 143 by LamarkNewAge, posted 03-11-2017 10:12 PM Faith has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1760 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 141 of 154 (802061)
03-11-2017 9:11 PM
Reply to: Message 139 by LamarkNewAge
03-11-2017 5:52 PM

Re: To Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, etc. Muslim's JESUS was Caliph
Funny how I "refuse to comment" on something I never saw. And I don't remember saying anything about Iran.

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 Message 142 by LamarkNewAge, posted 03-11-2017 10:04 PM Faith has replied

Posts: 2497
Joined: 12-22-2015

Message 142 of 154 (802072)
03-11-2017 10:04 PM
Reply to: Message 141 by Faith
03-11-2017 9:11 PM

Re: To Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, etc. Muslim's JESUS was Caliph
This friends phone that I use, though bigger and easier to use than my own, constantly erases multiple words at once that I already typed so posting istough. I have a hard time typing ShiSShiashiia so I better not try. I can call them Shia this time yes. Anyway they are the majority in Iran and Iraq plus they October the Sunni in Lebanon by about 3 to 2. They 100 percent oppose the Caliphate. The last possible Caliph they could support was VANISHED over 1000 years ago. See Fatimid Caliphate. They await his return and it must be him. That's my take. YYoursis what

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 Message 144 by Faith, posted 03-12-2017 6:01 AM LamarkNewAge has not replied

Posts: 2497
Joined: 12-22-2015

Message 143 of 154 (802075)
03-11-2017 10:12 PM
Reply to: Message 140 by Faith
03-11-2017 9:11 PM

Re: Allah as the moongod sin is a western urban legend
What wAs the spelling for GOD in the Mari texts. See the name Ishmael as it was spelled in the amorite personal names quoted by akkadian writers in cuneiform which has vowels. El or IL or AL I Forget but Arabic Ishmael has IL Edit,,,,, I found out that the Mari spelling is YasmachEL but I was wondering if you had any theories considering your obsession with the word
Edited by LamarkNewAge, : No reason given.

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 Message 140 by Faith, posted 03-11-2017 9:11 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 145 by Faith, posted 03-12-2017 6:03 AM LamarkNewAge has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1760 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 144 of 154 (802079)
03-12-2017 6:01 AM
Reply to: Message 142 by LamarkNewAge
03-11-2017 10:04 PM

Re: To Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, etc. Muslim's JESUS was Caliph
I really don't know what you are trying to say. I hope you get hooked up with a better way of communicating soon.
You seem to be saying there are different points of view in Islam, and all I can say to that is Where have I denied it? Can't a person talk about a major trend, based on the main writings and the history of Islam and of the actual Caliphate we know lasted for 1400 years (if it even makes sense to say it ever stopped) without having to deal with every detour taken by different groups?

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Suspended Member (Idle past 1760 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 145 of 154 (802080)
03-12-2017 6:03 AM
Reply to: Message 143 by LamarkNewAge
03-11-2017 10:12 PM

Re: Allah as the moongod sin is a western urban legend
I can make even less sense out of this post than the other. I have an "obsession" with a word? What word? And what point are you trying to make?

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 Message 143 by LamarkNewAge, posted 03-11-2017 10:12 PM LamarkNewAge has replied

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 Message 146 by LamarkNewAge, posted 03-15-2017 8:21 PM Faith has not replied

Posts: 2497
Joined: 12-22-2015

Message 146 of 154 (802374)
03-15-2017 8:21 PM
Reply to: Message 145 by Faith
03-12-2017 6:03 AM

Re: Allah as the moongod sin is a western urban legend
One point is the amorites worship of El in the 18th century BCE which seemed to be an issue to you. Additionally, Babylon in Hebrew is BAB EL or "gate of God" which is BAB IL(u) in Akkadian. IL was the Arabic word for God until the defenite article AL altered the word THE GOD as the standard for simplHaHaHavike God like HA ELOHIM in Hebrew is not translated as The God but simply God. You made the issue of it though.

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 Message 145 by Faith, posted 03-12-2017 6:03 AM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 159 days)
Posts: 290
From: Judah
Joined: 07-23-2013

Message 147 of 154 (920101)
08-31-2024 10:42 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by RAZD
02-08-2017 5:49 PM

A moderate Muslim is a radical Muslim who is out of ammo.

"According to scientific rules, in order for critics to disprove the Torah codes, they would have to find fatal flaws in each of the six papers presenting a different approach and a different code. This happened five years ago, and to date not a single flaw was found in any of these papers. Therefore, for all intent and purposes, the Torah codes have been scientifically proven, and the debate is over."
Harold Gans, mathematician and professional code breaker

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 Message 148 by Theodoric, posted 08-31-2024 11:31 PM Eliyahu has not replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 148 of 154 (920102)
08-31-2024 11:31 PM
Reply to: Message 147 by Eliyahu
08-31-2024 10:42 PM

Crawl back under your rock. Haters not wanted.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

"God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness.

If your viewpoint has merits and facts to back it up, why would you have to lie?

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 Message 147 by Eliyahu, posted 08-31-2024 10:42 PM Eliyahu has not replied

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 Message 149 by Linda Grasso, posted 10-27-2024 5:18 PM Theodoric has replied

Linda Grasso
Junior Member (Idle past 102 days)
Posts: 2
Joined: 10-27-2024

Message 149 of 154 (920584)
10-27-2024 5:18 PM
Reply to: Message 148 by Theodoric
08-31-2024 11:31 PM

This is exactly what Satan wants: everyone arguing instead of learning, understanding and praying in faith and truth. TRUE Science using the scientific method, proves the Bible to be the infallible truth and the proof of the truth is out here for the scientific community to see but they stay silent and just regurgitate the same lies and garbage that's been disproved! We have Bill Nye the " Science Guy" on video -national TV saying the Earth is a "Closed System", " nobody can leave the Earth", and then years later after teaming up another actor, turned world leading astrophysicists: Neil Degrass Tyson, he states the earth is a globe but it's a little pear shaped, yadda , yadda, yadda......anyway, real science points directly to the Bible. The truth is being uncovered layer by layer and Science is not bad, it's not evil or wrong but evil men are abusing it and using theories without testing them teaching them as FACTS in CLASSROOMS in elementary, middle, and high schools and college! How is that okay???? None of it is or was truly proven and in fact has been disproven, but we are not taught these things guys - we are taught what they want us to see and believe and no, the truth will not be seen by everyone; cannot be understood by everyone not just because of cognitive dissonance, but because there are actual people here created by the opposition; the ruler of darkness, to literally keep us blind. Those people are not going to see and understand and will keep throwing up the same crap we have all learned in school. the moon and sun - yeah they're INSIDE of our atmosphere. We have pictures and extensive video footage of clouds BEHIND them. Anyway, I digress, Yahuah's renewed covenant is not with ANY religious group except Israel. Not Christians, or Islam, the people who call themselves Christians - never actually read His word. They cherry pick and read verses then twist them to fit their lifestyle and the one's who read, only read the New Testament and completely ignore the Old. I see how pointless it is to argue anymore because nobody actually does the research or put the time in to LOOK. Google is not the answer. and steers us AWAY from the truth. The whole system is seyt up to do JUST THAT. The WORLD system guys! The problem is that they have us believing we all pray to the same "God". The POPE has stated this as well. Come on you know in your heart this is not true. smh. The whole thing is biblical prophecy and it's unfolding right in front of us. I am not here to offend, but to expose Satan's lies so please forgive me if I have offended anyone - that is NEVER my intention.

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 Message 150 by DrJones*, posted 10-27-2024 6:30 PM Linda Grasso has not replied
 Message 151 by Percy, posted 10-27-2024 7:41 PM Linda Grasso has not replied
 Message 152 by Theodoric, posted 10-27-2024 11:10 PM Linda Grasso has not replied
 Message 153 by Taq, posted 10-28-2024 1:31 PM Linda Grasso has not replied
 Message 154 by dwise1, posted 10-28-2024 1:47 PM Linda Grasso has not replied

Posts: 2362
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined: 08-19-2004
Member Rating: 6.7

Message 150 of 154 (920585)
10-27-2024 6:30 PM
Reply to: Message 149 by Linda Grasso
10-27-2024 5:18 PM

Re: arguing
the moon and sun - yeah they're INSIDE of our atmosphere
wow how did you manage to live this long without drowning in your soup bowl?

It's not enough to bash in heads, you've got to bash in minds
soon I discovered that this rock thing was true
Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil
Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet
All of a sudden i found myself in love with the world
And so there was only one thing I could do
Was ding a ding dang my dang along ling long - Jesus Built my Hotrod Ministry
Live every week like it's Shark Week! - Tracey Jordan
Just a monkey in a long line of kings. - Matthew Good
If "elitist" just means "not the dumbest motherfucker in the room", I'll be an elitist! - Get Your War On
*not an actual doctor

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 Message 149 by Linda Grasso, posted 10-27-2024 5:18 PM Linda Grasso has not replied

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