During World War Two, which at that time was called, "the war," the Canadian Army spent a lot of time hanging around Britain and, being Canadian, they naturally gravitated toward the beer.
Apparently, the British had a quaint custom whereby the officers, who tended to be of a higher class, stood at the bar while the enlisted men, who tended to be of the lower classes, sat at tables and had to go up to the bar to get their drinks.
The Canadians, never missing a chance to exhibit their ingenuity (and laziness) soon figured out that the service was better at the bar, so they elbowed their way in amongst their "betters", the officers.
I'm not sure how the British reacted but during bombing raids, some supposedly complained that the Germans were doing, "almost as much damage as the Canadians."
So anyway, my class is Canadian.
Edited by ringo, : Added a comma for clarity.