Thanks SA. I assume that the question about the nondual that you are referring to was this one of yours.
"So my question to mrnobody42
is this. How does the Nondual teachings resolve the what appears to be Nihilistic teachings?
So to clarify my question I will word it differently.
How is the Supreme Source different from Pantheism? Also why is the Universe allowed to be aware as a possibility only on the contingency that I am not allowed to be aware... but only "conscious"? "
I answered this question above with the following response...
"The Supreme Source of Reality is Awareness. So, this is not at odds with Pantheism at all. The relationship between The Supreme Source (Undifferentiated Awareness)and its manifestations (individualized Awareness) are like the relationship between Pure Undifferentiated White Light and a Rainbow. So, I guess from a Pantheistic perspective, you could say that the White light is God and the rainbow are all the beings. The One manifesting as many.
As far as the Universal soul or the soul of a human or cat for that matter. Its all Awareness, so neither man nor the universe has a soul. But rather the Soul (Awareness) has a universe and individuals. Remember, cats, men and universes are measurable and subject to causation. The only dynamic in the equation of your life that is not measurable, observable or quantifiable is Awareness. The uncaused cause of all Reality. "