Author: doctorbill
Forum: The Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy
Thread: Not The Planet
Message 63
It appears the good doctor is on a roll this month. The cited post is a detailed reply to some thoughtful comments from mike the wiz. Maybe I'm easy to impress, but doctorbill's explanation brings the profound impact of his topic into sharp focus for me.
I call it profound because it addresses the mind-set of the men who first translated the Bible into English, as well as that of the original Hebrew writers. It's an all-too-rare gem.
UPDATE: Oops! The cited post is dated in February, not January. My bad. (My how time flies...) Is there a POTM thread for February yet? Should I repost there?
Edited by Otto Tellick, : added update
autotelic adj. (of an entity or event) having within itself the purpose of its existence or happening.