There once was a mouse, he was grey and dark colored. He lived for centuries like this quite happily it is said. One day he wondered into the desert and somehow, luckily he ended up blonde colored. An adaptation to the environment you say-we say ha, it was a fortuitous accident! And he thrived because of it.
And then one day one of his brothers turned black. It happened for five different reasons, impacting 80 different genes, but it was just natures messy business of never being able to maintain a stable body plan that works. But this time it was great that nature is so messy, because there were black rocks nearby!! The dark grey mouse was right at home!
And this my friends, is how the sloppy, unstable process of keeping body plans intact sometimes turns up a great result! Its undirected, not teleogical as you might think-its just fortunate. Because you know what, all the blue mice, and green mice, and rainbow colored mice, they weren't so lucky were they? No,no, EVERY time a rainbow colored pocket mouse shows up, he gets eaten by the owls, AND THIS is why we never see them.
So you see kids, you can't have a blue colored mouse as a pet, because the owls keep eating them before we can catch them, and that is all you need to know about why evolution is so messy, so random, and so undirected and so well proven. Because some mice are grey.
Why are your ears able to hear some many songs, and keep your body so balanced so perfectly, and let you understand 5 different languages, at the same time its hears the ocean, and your television. And how can your eyes read those words, and watch that television and marvel at the lack of rainbow colored mice? How can your eyes do that?
Because some mice are grey. Simple really. What more proof could you possibly need that life is random!!