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Author Topic:   Evolution Requires Reduction in Genetic Diversity
Member (Idle past 3945 days)
Posts: 983
From: China
Joined: 11-14-2009

Message 92 of 1034 (691868)
02-25-2013 9:39 PM

The Amazing Pocketmouse!
There once was a mouse, he was grey and dark colored. He lived for centuries like this quite happily it is said. One day he wondered into the desert and somehow, luckily he ended up blonde colored. An adaptation to the environment you say-we say ha, it was a fortuitous accident! And he thrived because of it.
And then one day one of his brothers turned black. It happened for five different reasons, impacting 80 different genes, but it was just natures messy business of never being able to maintain a stable body plan that works. But this time it was great that nature is so messy, because there were black rocks nearby!! The dark grey mouse was right at home!
And this my friends, is how the sloppy, unstable process of keeping body plans intact sometimes turns up a great result! Its undirected, not teleogical as you might think-its just fortunate. Because you know what, all the blue mice, and green mice, and rainbow colored mice, they weren't so lucky were they? No,no, EVERY time a rainbow colored pocket mouse shows up, he gets eaten by the owls, AND THIS is why we never see them.
So you see kids, you can't have a blue colored mouse as a pet, because the owls keep eating them before we can catch them, and that is all you need to know about why evolution is so messy, so random, and so undirected and so well proven. Because some mice are grey.
Why are your ears able to hear some many songs, and keep your body so balanced so perfectly, and let you understand 5 different languages, at the same time its hears the ocean, and your television. And how can your eyes read those words, and watch that television and marvel at the lack of rainbow colored mice? How can your eyes do that?
Because some mice are grey. Simple really. What more proof could you possibly need that life is random!!

Replies to this message:
 Message 93 by Dr Adequate, posted 02-25-2013 10:54 PM Bolder-dash has not replied
 Message 110 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 10:51 AM Bolder-dash has not replied

Member (Idle past 3945 days)
Posts: 983
From: China
Joined: 11-14-2009

Message 121 of 1034 (691948)
02-26-2013 2:13 PM
Reply to: Message 107 by NoNukes
02-26-2013 10:06 AM

Re: Mutations Don't Add Anything That Could Rescue the ToE
I have no doubt that you are absolutely convinced of that, but you are not offering any argument that it is wrong, you simply assert that evolution plays no role. In essence this is simply a Bible thread hiding in a science forum.
How is this a fair comment at all? Where are the bible quotes? If someone questions the viability of evolution, the automatic throwback position is that its a bible argument?
Does the same thing work for your side. Is any argument for evolution, which doesn't have the science to back it up, really just an argument for atheism?
For instance, you are claiming this:
Problems with breeding programs come from many sources, but a primary one is the reinforcement of recessive harmful genes due to interbreeding in a population that has too few individuals. If the population is too small, then such reinforcements cause problems regardless of the rate of mutation. None of that demonstrates that evolution or common descent cannot work when the populations are large enough.
Since you can not prove that the problems of reinforcement of harmful genes can be overcome after time, and growth, then really you are just promoting atheism in a science forum.
Besides, it is your side that claims that isolation of small breeding populations leads to more rapid evolutionary change.

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 Message 107 by NoNukes, posted 02-26-2013 10:06 AM NoNukes has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 124 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 2:45 PM Bolder-dash has replied
 Message 137 by NoNukes, posted 02-26-2013 9:52 PM Bolder-dash has not replied

Member (Idle past 3945 days)
Posts: 983
From: China
Joined: 11-14-2009

Message 125 of 1034 (691955)
02-26-2013 3:15 PM
Reply to: Message 124 by Taq
02-26-2013 2:45 PM

Re: Mutations Don't Add Anything That Could Rescue the ToE
Given the correlation between religious belief and denial of evolution one can hardly be blamed for making the connection.
Given the correlation between belief in evolution and atheism, virtually all the speculation about evolution being true needs to be suspect.
If you actually cited scientific facts instead of using empty assertions perhaps you could avoid these allegations.
You just said that one can't make assertions without scientific fact to back it, and then you say, "You have not shown that there is a problem."
In other words, YOUR side is allowed to make assertions, and it is up to the opposing side to show there is a problem?
You haven't shown there is a problem with Faith's ideas. I guess because you are so busy trying to promote your atheism worldview.

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 Message 124 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 2:45 PM Taq has replied

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 Message 127 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:24 PM Bolder-dash has replied

Member (Idle past 3945 days)
Posts: 983
From: China
Joined: 11-14-2009

Message 128 of 1034 (691959)
02-26-2013 3:33 PM
Reply to: Message 127 by Taq
02-26-2013 3:24 PM

Re: Mutations Don't Add Anything That Could Rescue the ToE
How does a supposed mutation in a pocket mouse refute Faith's claims?
You see, its this kind of deceitful arguments that make your assertions suspect.
Do you know that there are people of all different religious faiths, even atheists who don't believe in Darwinian evolution?
So once again your double standards and deceitful arguments are showing your desire to push an anti-religious agenda.

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 Message 127 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:24 PM Taq has replied

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 Message 129 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:35 PM Bolder-dash has replied

Member (Idle past 3945 days)
Posts: 983
From: China
Joined: 11-14-2009

Message 130 of 1034 (691961)
02-26-2013 3:38 PM
Reply to: Message 129 by Taq
02-26-2013 3:35 PM

Taq's religion makes him suspect.
Do you deny you are agnostic/atheist?
Edited by Bolder-dash, : No reason given.

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 Message 129 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:35 PM Taq has replied

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 Message 131 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:42 PM Bolder-dash has replied

Member (Idle past 3945 days)
Posts: 983
From: China
Joined: 11-14-2009

Message 132 of 1034 (691964)
02-26-2013 3:43 PM
Reply to: Message 129 by Taq
02-26-2013 3:35 PM

Re: Mutations Don't Add Anything That Could Rescue the ToE
Your pocket mice story is not complete until you showed what the pocket mice evolved from. Plus you have to account for the other 4 instances where pocket mice showed black fur without that mutation.
But again, you probably only believe the story of the pocket mouse, because you are atheist.

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 Message 129 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:35 PM Taq has replied

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 Message 134 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:49 PM Bolder-dash has not replied

Member (Idle past 3945 days)
Posts: 983
From: China
Joined: 11-14-2009

Message 133 of 1034 (691965)
02-26-2013 3:48 PM
Reply to: Message 131 by Taq
02-26-2013 3:42 PM

Re: Taq's religion makes him suspect.
I believe that until you can come up with a plausible explanation for how the laws of gravity, the laws of electromagnetism, the laws of the strong and weak nuclear force, and the existence of any law at all coming into being through an unordered, chaos-the existence of desired order is the default position.

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 Message 131 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:42 PM Taq has replied

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 Message 135 by Taq, posted 02-26-2013 3:50 PM Bolder-dash has not replied

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