Originally posted by Peter:
According the the Hebrew version of the Bible, there
is STILL only 367 years between the Flood and a
Pharoah in Egypt.
So my original question remains (assuming none is going
to dispute a genealogy from Hebrew sources).
OK you got me! I will dispute it!
Examining these texts can be complicated so I will try to keep it simple.
The hebrew text is the most corrupt for the following reasons.
1. The cuurent text was compiled or standardised by jews in ther middle ages.
2. This text disagrees most with the dead sea scrolls
3. We know the actual geneology section is corrupt because it differs from that used to complie Lukes gospel.
4.Justin Martyr in the second century accuses the jews of corrupting their version (although why they would do it to the geneologies is a mystery )
5. Josephus (for the most part) disagrees with the masoretic text here
6. Justin martyr disagrees with the timelien of the massoretic text.
7. Africanus and eusebius do as well
8. Living trees predate the flood in the massoretic version (assuming the flood was global)
In other words NO early source agrees with this timeline! (apart perhaps from josephus who for the most part disagres with it).
One must ask , how can we possibly go with this version?
It is tempting only because it is written in hebrew. But it is illogical to therefore assume it is the truest.
[This message has been edited by dreaded s flynn, 06-12-2002]