“I say unequivocally that the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt.” – Sir Lionel Luckhoo, The Most Successful Attorney in History, according to the Guiness Book of Records
Simon Greenleaf – professor of law at Harvard in the 1800s
His three-volume work, A Treatise on the Law of Evidence, has been considered by The Supreme Court to be the greatest single authority on legal evidence.
He said, “If the evidence for the resurrection was set before any unbiased courtroom in the world it would be judged to be an historical fact - Jesus Christ rose from the dead.”
There remains, therefore, no supposition possible to explain the recorded phenomenon except the combination of the fructification and rupture of the heart. - Samuel Houghton, M.D., great physiologist from the University of Dublin
We are told on eyewitness authority that “blood and water” came out of the pierced side of Jesus. The eyewitness clearly attached great importance to this.
This is evidence of massive clotting of the blood in the main arteries, and is exceptionally strong medical proof of death. It is all the more impressive because the evangelist could not possibly have realized its significance to a pathologist. the “blood and water” from the spear-thrust is proof positive that Jesus was already dead. - Michael Green, M.D. [The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell, pages 224-225]