[QUOTE]Originally posted by peter borger:
[B]Dear Readers
After reading Spetner's book I realised that all it would take to overthrow NDT is molecular genetic evidence against the mechanisms of random mutation, and examples proving the irrelevance of natural selection in the maintenance of the genome. Scientifically speaking, we need only one example that is not in accord with
Can you say then in Verne Grant's ideas from plants generalized with or without Stebbins, what is the measure of a difference of genetic variation and genetic difference per any genome that can be tested in actual populations? without prejudicing such things as the potential vegatative contribution to polypoloidy factors that even in terms of multiplication of species are often down played ?? The mutation rate is largely irrelevant to this way of framing the question I have remarked as you note yet a simple notion of the environment and future environmental chnages is not adequete in the answer where the internal and external "variable" needs denotation. I do not have the actual assement of this connotation which is the reason I ask a second time. Sincerely, Brad.