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Author | Topic: Who & what are the demons ? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3428 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
ICANT writes: Myself writes: So if I define murder as good that makes it all right to commit murder. Is that what you are saying? ICANT writes: I guess it depends on how do you define good and evil? I do know there must be good and evil for there to be a choice. Um, I guess what I am trying to say is this. You use the reference of God's absolute rules of right and wrong as spelled out in the Bible (in addition the thousand other international, national and municiple laws) to determine what is good and evil. Correct? I am a moral universalist but not an absolutist, so I believe there are rules of right and wrong that should pertain to all people but I believe these are human created and adopted for the good of the species. Thus we are not only the creators of our own rulebook but we are also the players that are morally confined by it and the referees that enforce it as well. Thus we put into our own hands the decision between good (what is morally acceptable by society) and what is evil (what is not acceptable). To answer your question. Human society as a whole has determined murder to be wrong (do to the physical and emotional trauma it causes and it is destructive both to individual human beings and to human society as a whole) therefore it is not alright to commit murder. We can see this in numerous moral codes throughout history (not just the Bible) as well as being adopted and mandated by nearly all countries on this planet in the United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights.
That says "I the Lord create evil". I believe He also stated what was evil and the punishment for evil deeds were. He did give a lot of rules to go by. But not all the rules? Do you not abide by rules and regulations that are not spoken of in the Bible?
At least it's as good as the "We don't know" I get when I ask where the universe that is at T=10-43 came from. See my other post here, it will explain why cause and effect before the beginning of time makes no logical sense: Message 63 Now if I say something here that causes someone to question their belief system fine it not fine. I have put forth my view Thanks for your honest answer. For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. Dr. Carl Sagan
Bailey Member (Idle past 4697 days) Posts: 574 From: Earth Joined: |
Thank you for the time and energy.
youcanbyfaith writes:
When did salvation, and power, and the Kingdom of our Father and the authority of His Son, Jesus the Christ, come? weary writes: The issue here is that Satan and his Angels are cast out of Heaven immediately after Jesus' resurrection (Rev 12:9). So when did this take place? Or is it better for us to suggest they have not? If we do, John the Baptist and Paul may disagree with us - lol.
How can I conclude this took place prior to or at Jesus ressurrection? Some may not be able, yet, perhaps by considering, or answering, the curiosities above.
This event has not taken place yet. Interesting; we imagine otherwise. We contend Christ, and His Love, overcame 'death' shortly before mankind reset the counting of His years.
This is the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation period when the antichrist stands in the Holy Place and declares himself to be God. It is interesting sir. Do not feel swayed by our account, but His; the Father allows the ones He Loves to entertain many imaginations. Within chapter twelve the debbil lost any & all authority within the Mansion, but still holds down the sphere until the Beginning. At the same time, salvation, and power, and the Kingdom of our Father and the authority of His Son, Jesus the Christ, are declared throughout the Mansion. We saw that the Son was crucified within the sphere. By His Love for mankind, and through His suffering, He was granted Authority within the Mansion and the Sphere. We see His Authority declared in the Mansion, through His resurrection, in chapter twelve, verse ten of the Unveiling. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying,“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. You have told us Christ will set his feet where He left from, many things will happen and He will set up His Kingdom here on earth, and our imagination has accepted this. We further imagine this is when the One who Loves the most will establish Authority (that has already been declared) within the sphere.
If not how is it that: For the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. Perhaps some assume the Son has not yet joined the Father in the Mansion; we imagine otherwise. To us, you appear to be stating the debbil currently resides in the Father's Mansion, lol - perhaps having coffee with the Son in between accusations. It is hard for us to imagine, after all He endured, Jesus would entertain its company. If Jesus, with Authority, joins the Father in the Mansion, can you imagine the debbil still exercising authority there? If so, why did Jesus have to suffer in such a Way?
After this event the devil and his messengers are cast out and: They are cast out of the Mansion directly before the salvation, and the power, and the Kingdom of our Father and the authority of His Son, the Christ, appeared. We have seen the salvation, and the power, and the Kingdom of our Father and the authority of His Son established through Jesus' resurrection. This event occured, roughly, 2009 years ago.
youcanbyfaith writes:
Ok. weary writes:
So no I do not see how all that took place at the ressurrection. Do you see? One Love I'm not here to mock or condemn what you believe, I'm just a fool playing with ideas. My only intention is to tickle your thinker. Trust nothing I say. Learn for yourself. Think for yourself. Mercy Trumps Judgement,Love Weary
ICANT Member (Idle past 355 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi DA,
DevilsAdvocate writes: Thus we put into our own hands the decision between good (what is morally acceptable by society) and what is evil (what is not acceptable). Yes the first man made the choice to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus he gained the knowledge of evil. Man has been deciding what is good and evil from that day until this day. Regardless of what God said was good and evil.
DevilsAdvocate writes: To answer your question. Human society as a whole has determined murder to be wrong But not everyone.There are those today who are convinced that it is OK to kill. They use all kinds of reasoning to prop up their belief that it is ok. But I will not get into details.
DevilsAdvocate writes: See my other post here, it will explain why cause and effect before the beginning of time makes no logical sense: But there was no beginning of eternal time which is one great big now. Time as you and I know it did have a beginning. As I understand time it is just a concept. The measure of motion. Time is an invention of man and is determined by how long the earth takes to make a complete revolution. If it did not revolve there would be nothing to measure time by. But there would still be eternal time. My understanding of time could be confused. God Bless, "John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 355 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Bailey,
Bailey writes: Interesting; we imagine otherwise. We contend Christ, and His Love, overcame 'death' shortly before mankind reset the counting of His years. I have no problem with Christ overcoming death. But I do have some problems.
I John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: John says I have a lawyer with the Father. Someone to plead my case. If there is no one to make an accusaion against me, why do I need a lawyer? According to you the devil is not allowed in heaven and can not make accusations against me, so who does? So why can't Jesus just take a fishing trip and get ready for that thousand years of work He must do on earth? Instead of sitting at the Fathers side making intercession for me everytime I mess up. My sins are already covered by the blood of Jesus and my name is written in the book of life. So who accuses me and the bretheren before God day and night? God Bless, "John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3428 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
ICANT writes: Yes the first man made the choice to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus he gained the knowledge of evil. Man has been deciding what is good and evil from that day until this day. Regardless of what God said was good and evil. Rgr, that is your religious belief and explantion for the concept of good and evil. I take a different approach to this as I previously explained.
ICANT writes:
We are talking about unjustified murder here, not justified killing i.e. war, self-protection, etc. Also, the majority of the human race has agreed that murder is wrong which trumps the psychotic bent of a relative handful of psychopaths.
myself writes:
But not everyone.There are those today who are convinced that it is OK to kill. To answer your question. Human society as a whole has determined murder to be wrong ICANT writes: But there was no beginning of eternal time which is one great big now. And how do you know that time is eternal. If you read my post it would explain the intricate link between time and space and that it has a definate beginning according to current scientific theories. I explain it fully there.
ICANT writes: Time as you and I know it did have a beginning. You just contradicted yourself. In one statement you state "there was no beginning of eternal time" and than you say "time as you and I know it did have a beginning". What you are prosing with a distinction between "eternal time" and "terrestrial time", has no evidence to back it up (hear-say unsubstantiated "evidence" from the Bible is not the same as sunstantiated, emperical evidence). Time is time and in fact time is space i.e. spacetime. They are intricately linked as proposed by Albert Einstrin in his General Theory of Relativity and further expounded by later scientists.
As I understand time it is just a concept. So is gravity and the nuclear forces. They are all man-made concepts which describe real phenomena in our physical universe.
Time is an invention of man and is determined by how long the earth takes to make a complete revolution. If it did not revolve there would be nothing to measure time by. This is a half-truth. Time is a concept created by man to describe a real phenomena which is the measure of the duration of events and the interval between them. This concept is similar to the concept of gravity which is used to describe the phenomena of matter attracting other matter and the measure of this attractive force. However, we can measure time without the reference of the Earth. In fact modern atomic clocks do just that. There is no need to reference the revolution or rotation of the Earth to measure the time between oscillations (vibrations) of cesium atoms as done in modern atomic clocks. In fact our entire global satellite sytem depend on the exactness of atomic clocks for mass communication, GPS, national defense, etc to function.
But there would still be eternal time. How did you determine the existence of this "eternal time"?
My understanding of time could be confused. I agree. Though I do enjoy the dialog. For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. Dr. Carl Sagan
John 10:10 Member (Idle past 3323 days) Posts: 766 From: Mt Juliet / TN / USA Joined: |
Whatever demons are, they are nasty creatures that can inhabit both humans and animals, and can lead to temporal and eternal destruction and death.
If/when they inhabit humans, it's best to cast them out as Jesus did, and then fill the void with God's Spirit. Blessings
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3428 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
Whatever demons are, they are nasty creatures that can inhabit both humans and animals, and can lead to temporal and eternal destruction and death. So it is ok for God to cause destruction and death but not nasty little demons?
If/when they inhabit humans, it's best to cast them out as Jesus did, and then fill the void with God's Spirit. Do you actually believe in exorcism? I guess you think the movie "The Exorcist" is real, huh? Do you say "The power of Christ compels you" or do the hand on the forehead "In the name of Jeeesuss, I command you to come out!" thing? And how exactly do you go filling this void up? On a more serious note, can you provide any real evidence that demons exist (much less the rest of your supernatural fantasy realm)? For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. Dr. Carl Sagan
ICANT Member (Idle past 355 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi DA,
DevilsAdvocate writes: I agree. Though I do enjoy the dialog. I do to but we better do it somewhere else. If you would start a thread. But remember I can't participate in Big Bang and Cosmology. God Bless, "John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
Bailey Member (Idle past 4697 days) Posts: 574 From: Earth Joined: |
Thank you for the exchange ...
havefaith writes: weary writes:
I have no problem with Christ overcoming death. Interesting; we imagine otherwise. We contend Christ, and His Love, overcame 'death' shortly before mankind reset the counting of His years. Ok ...
But I do have some problems. Mankind needed heat, it found fire; we need cold, we grab ice. We needed truth, and it is available; if we give our eyes permission. All our problems have been solved brother; the Solution is not always instantly realized.
John says I have a lawyer with the Father. Someone to plead my case.
Others report John spoke of a lawyer ... We imagine John tells truth and reports we have a Comforter, and One Who Has Interceded, when we make our way Home to the Father's Mansion. My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous ... If we needed a lawyer to further clear us of our crimes against the Spirit of Love, Jesus death would have been insufficient and His Resurrection deemed unnecessary. But it was not. Our humble advocate, the True and Faithful Witness has made permanent intercession; He now begins to comfort us. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins ... And not for ours only ... But also for those of the whole world.
If there is no one to make an accusaion against me, why do I need a lawyer? Do you need a lawyer friend; what 'sin' has not been erased? What accusation can the debbil drum up that would not be covered by the Blood? On the Day, we can only be accused of not Loving enough to continue living. As we seek Jesus' True and Easy Way, the Father does not pay our 'sin' any mind. John says that Jesus is the whole worlds 'Comforter' and He was not likely kiddin'. If you can see, this is the Awesome Verdict ...
As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us! According to you the devil is not allowed in heaven ... Close, but no cigar ... According to scripture, the debbil was cast out of the Mansion when the Father of Life's Son was murdered; it appears to be the straw that broke the camel's back. When we have faith we can imagine the debbil used to retain a priviledge providing temporary access to the Father in His Mansion. Many seem to take the idea the debbil had freedom, in the old testament, to go back and forth from the Mansion to the sphere as a dubious one. It appears to have traveled back and forth from the sphere to the Mansion creating mischief ... Is that not more or less exactly what Job 1:6-7 says?
Now there was a day when the sons of the Father came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. The LORD said to Satan, “From where do you come?” Then Satan answered the LORD and said, “From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it.” ... and can not make accusations against me, so who does? We imagine the Mansion is off limits to the debbil; but accusing? We shall not suggest whether or not the debbil may accuse; simply that it may no longer perform this task successfully, much less within the Father's Mansion.
So why can't Jesus just take a fishing trip and get ready for that thousand years of work He must do on earth? It is funny you say that, as it is exactly what he is doing - lol After His hard Day's work Jesus sat down at the right hand side of His Father and continues fishing for those who are interested in the Good News.
Instead of sitting at the Fathers side making intercession for me everytime I mess up. lol - everytime? Ya tryin' to work Him to the bone! The Blood Sacrafice @ Golgotha covers all 'sin' good friend; Jesus don't waste no time ![]() His atonement is so completely encompassing that mutilating calf & stabbing sheep & rubbing beads is a futile waste of time - lol. It appears time is better spent making bread for the homeless or pouring drinks for the thirsty. KJV with Strong's But this man after he had offered One Sacrifice for sins for ever sat down on the right hand of God
My sins are already covered by the blood of Jesus and my name is written in the book of life. Sweet!! If you get to the Mansion before us, tell the Faithful and True Witness 'weary' said hi, and we love Him. Jesus willing, find Bob Marley too and tell him we will meet up in a lil' bit ...
So who accuses me and the bretheren before God day and night? If anyone, a defeated loser with receding power and authority. Does not matter anymore; Thank Jesus for doin' ya a solid ... Perhaps, the debbil will say to the Father ...
ICANT did this and ICANT said that; the human does not love You! And the Father will hear this ...
[cricket, cricket] God Bless One Love Edited by Bailey, : grammar I'm not here to mock or condemn what you believe, I'm just a fool playing with ideas. My only intention is to tickle your thinker. Trust nothing I say. Learn for yourself. Think for yourself. Mercy Trumps Judgement,Love Weary
John 10:10 Member (Idle past 3323 days) Posts: 766 From: Mt Juliet / TN / USA Joined: |
So it is ok for God to cause destruction and death but not nasty little demons? Read what I said again. I said demons "can lead to temporal and eternal destruction," not God.
Do you actually believe in exorcism? Since Jesus believed in real demons and cast them out of persons, I believe in them too.
On a more serious note, can you provide any real evidence that demons exist Maybe you should travel to some places like Hati and Africa and watch them in operation where they openly manifest themselves in the lives of those who honor them. In most other parts of the world, demons are content with motivating people to kill, steal and destroy as many other humans as possible.
bluescat48 Member (Idle past 4517 days) Posts: 2347 From: United States Joined: |
As far as I'm concerned, demons only exist in one's mind.
There is no better love between 2 people than mutual respect for each other WT Young, 2002 Who gave anyone the authority to call me an authority on anything. WT Young, 1969
ICANT Member (Idle past 355 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Bailey,
Bailey writes: My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. Your misquoting the scripture does not make your view correct.
I John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: John said I am writing so that you don't sin. Slight difference. But if you do you have an advocate (lawyer) with the Father.
Bailey writes: If we needed a lawyer to further clear us of our crimes against the Spirit of Love, Jesus death would have been insufficient and His Resurrection deemed unnecessary. The best illustration about my sins was one I heard back in the 40's by a man that would be classified as an uneducated country bumpkin. He had a big of red bandana that he would place over his hand after telling that the hand represented our sins and the bandana the blood of Christ. He would then say that when God looks at our sin all He can see is the blood of Christ. So the only reason I need a lawyer to plead my case is as you say:
Bailey writes: Perhaps, the debbil will say to the Father ...
ICANT did this and ICANT said that; the human does not love You! And the Father will hear this ...
[cricket, cricket]
Instead of [cricket, cricket] He hears, [He is covered with My Blood] Bailey writes: We imagine John tells truth and reports we have a Comforter Jesus sent the comforter to seal our spirit until the day of redemption and lead us in all truth.
Bailey writes: Do you need a lawyer friend; what 'sin' has not been erased? What accusation can the debbil drum up that would not be covered by the Blood? There is no sin I can commit that can remove my eternal life. But Bro. Paul does make the statement:
I Corinthians 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 3:12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; 3:13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 3:14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. Paul said some folks who are born again, washed in the blood of Jesus believers are going to suffer loss. He said they will not lose eternal life. But they will lose rewards. The way we do that is by building out of the wrong material. I may be wrong but I think that means we better be doing the right things the right way for the right reasons. If we aren't that is sin and we will lose rewards because of it. God Bless and Keep, "John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
Straggler Member (Idle past 393 days) Posts: 10333 From: London England Joined: |
If there was no evil what would the choice be? Good, Good, or Good. Moral neutrality in the form of indifference?
ICANT Member (Idle past 355 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi bluescat48,
bluescat48 writes: As far as I'm concerned, demons only exist in one's mind. I know you meant to say in the imagination of the minds of people. But the little devils exist right where you said, "in one's mind". He takes control of one's mind and causes one to act, say and do things that one would not ordinarly do. God Bless, "John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 355 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Straggler,
Straggler writes: Moral neutrality in the form of indifference?
So you admit there would be no choice? God Bless, "John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
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