Are you quite sure you understand the philosophy of science? I'm an intelligent design proponent, but c'mon, to say stuff like "Over 99.99% existing species cannot be examined using ToE to see how they repeatedly being brought to existence from a single cell to its current form" is kinda silly.
In the first place, there are plenty of ways to falsify the theory of evolution, from molecular biology to paleontology etc. I do agree that a number of biological observations are gradually being explained
ad hoc by the current paradigm, but this doesn't mean the theory of evolution isn't falsifiable, because it is easily falsified.
Secondly, the Darwinian theory doesn't say that all species
independently evolved from a single cell. According to the modern evolutionary synthesis, multicellular life forms evolved from unicellular life forms, which later evolved into the animal species that we today (and plant, fungi, etc.). Your above statement seems to imply that the ToE suggests that all animals arose from a single cell, independently. This is not the case. A multicellular organism likely arose from a unicellular population, and this new organism then branched off into the species we see today.