Obviously gene for homosexuality contradicts Dawkins concept of "selfish gene". Dawkins admitted that such a gene is not created by reccurent random mutation and he pointed out:
Genes that predispose a significant minority of men to homosexuality raise a Darwinian puzzle.
Dawkins himself about the problem:
If a homosexuality gene lowers its own probability of being reproduced today, and yet still abounds in the population, that is a problem for commonsense as much as for Darwin's theory of evolution. And, intriguing as several of these theories may be, I have to conclude that it remains a problem.
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In this case homosexuality gene is not as much a problem for Darwin's theory but for Dawkins "selfish gene" hypothetical concept. Dawkins equate darwinism with his "selfish gene" hypothesis to avert attack and to put resposibility of "selfish gene" to darwinism. Because homosexuality gene obviously cannot pass and replicate itself however selfish it is.