Hi Ray,
Hundreds of millions of persons since the 15th century AD, from every ethnic backround, economic status and level of education, have sided with the Biblical authors. This massive group of persons disagree.
Are you seriously telling us that you do not understand why this shameless appeal to popularity is fallacious?
It doesn't matter how many people believe something to be true, it has no baring on whether or not it is actually true. Lots of people believe the moon landings were faked. Does that make it true? What if everyone believed it: would that make it true?
I'm continuously amazed at your nerve. Huntard said;
Huntard writes:
Popularity has NOTHING to do with something being true or not.
,quite rightly pointing out your use of an appeal to popularity. You respond;
Cold Foreign Object writes:
Point evasion.
You then go on to say,
in your very next statement;
Cold Foreign Object writes:
Except when it is the Theory of Evolution and the number of scientists that support, of course.
Wha?! Point evasion at all? Pot at all? Kettle maybe? Black perchance? Evolution is soooo far removed from being the issue here.
If you are going to make shameless appeals to popularity, you can expect to be called on it.
Mutate and Survive.
"The Bible is like a person, and if you torture it long enough, you can get it to say almost anything you'd like it to say." -- Rev. Dr. Francis H. Wade