I seem to be the first person to reply direct to the OP. How odd.
There have been at least 3 fora in the last month where it has been claimed that evolution isn't true because it doesn't incorporate how life started.
I think it might help to try and put oneself in the shoes of the creationist for a little while.
For them, this is a debate about origins.
They have a creation story, it accounts for the origins of life, the earth, the universe, languages and mankind. Their modern creation story includes microevolution from created kinds to try to account for the diversity of life.
And they view evolution as a rival creation story.
So in their mind, the story must account for the origins of life, the earth, the universe, languages and mankind. They see evolution as a naturalistic (or more commonly, atheistic) origins account. This explains why creationists frequently go on about abiogenesis and the big bang in discussions about biodiversity or adaptation.