If I were made supreme dictator of the US I would suggest the following solution.
I would join the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Mississipi, and Louisiana into a single state and name it Alabamastan.
I would then announce that Alabamastan would be seceding from the Union with a few requirements. First, no safety nets. No government could be formed in Alabamastan if it allowed for Social Security, Medicare, or any social programs that caused the rich to support the poor. Second, anyone can own any weapon they please. Third, no restrictions on pollution or anything that the EPA would deem unsanitary. Fourth, once the borders are closed no immigrants are allowed in. Fifth, and finally, everyone has to wear clown shoes on Thursdays. I am the supreme dictator and this would make me giggle, so I command it be so.
How many people would want to live in Alabamastan (assuming that I may be flexible on the fifth requirement)?