I'll respond on 2 points:
1) Yes, we were off topic. I was trying to show a new comer to the boards WHY you can't just make up random quotes.
2) My issue is not that there was a problem with us being offtopic, it's that between "Hey you guys are off topic" and "I'm closing this thread" there wasn't even enough time to respond. I know, because I was typing in a response and couldn't post it.
Thats draconian.
Admin's jobs are not to shut down active threads in which they are not participating because they disagree with the discussion that's happening there.
If people are off topic, post "Hey you are off topic, please get back on topic or start a new thread". Don't just storm in and kill everything.
How would you like it if I posted this, then killed this thread so you couldn't respond to explain your position?