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Author Topic:   When Will The End-Times Be And How Will We Know?
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Message 46 of 794 (118555)
06-25-2004 2:01 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by coffee_addict
06-23-2004 12:39 PM

have noticed that there are at least several christian fundies here that have claimed that the end is near and it might just be around the corner.
Could someone please enlighten me as to when the end-times will come and how you came to that conclusion?
Lam, the end times do not suddenly come. There are a number of events which MUST come to pass before the end time. Jesus said that in his Olivet discourse recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 and he named some things which will come to pass but adds, but the end is not yet.
To understand what must come to pass one must go to the OT prophets and to Jesus and the apostles in the NT.
There one thing that MUST occur BEFORE anyone can say the end times are near. Pay close attention, because this is very important and the reason naieve folks have had it wrong in the past is because they don't get this.
1. That one important thing is that after being scattered worldwide, ISRAEL MUST BECOME A NATION AGAIN AND THE JEWS MUST BE OCCUPYING THAT NATION.
2. The Jews MUST reoccupy the old walled city of JERUSALEM -- ALL OF IT, according to Jesus in his Olivet discourse.
3. The new Israel MUST be surrounded by hostile nations and at war with them.
4. There must be the capacity of the world monetary systems to merge. Gold and silver currency MUST be replaced with marks and numbers.
5. There must be some kind of a messenger "flying in the midst of heaven" able to preach the gospel to all nations. (there is a Christian owned satelite flying in the midst of heaven called Sky Angel doing just that)
6. The gospel of Jesus (nothing but a new little cult when prophecy made by Jesus) MUST be preached to all nations of the earth.
7. There must be an emergence of unusual amount of homosexual activity in the world.
8. There must be the capacity for people to see things from a distance in their homes. (TV)
9. World travel must be advance as well as knowledge.
10 There must be a crecendo of hatred and persecution of Christians world wide which eventually become very severe to the point that they must worship a speaking image or be beheaded. TV is a speaking image, BTW.
11. There must emerge a global power with control of all nations. This power must be administered by 10 administrators who "rule as kings" This is the 10 horned beast prophesied in Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and Revelation 17.
12. There must be global warming and a steady increase of disastrous weather and drout. There must be much of the world's forests burned up and grasslands. Famine will increase.
13. There must be the capacity of a 200,000,000 army coming out of the East towards Israel to be included in Armageddon.
14 There must be world apostacy, i.e. departure from truth.
This apostacy will cause a very anti Christian super individual to emerge with great influence and power to essentially control and implement policies of the 10 kingdom world government. He may possibly even be a resurrected individual, for he emerges from the earth. He is the 2 horned beast of Revelation 13, imo.
The above are some of the things which MUST come to pass before ANYONE can say Biblically, that the end time is emerging and near.
There is stuff which comes AFTER the above, which is worse including something falling into one of the oceans, wiping out a third of the ships of that ocean, a "darkening" of the sun and the moon to the point that the moon turns blood red, polution of the waters until they turn red, likely red algae. There will come eventually hail up to a hundred pound balls and in the end a global mother of earthquake that essentially levels the world crust, causing all cities, islands and mountain ranges to fall.
We're not yet to the end of this age when Jesus appears to take over the world and rule it from Jerusalem, but when these things begin to emerge and escalate to fulfillment, it is happening. Be forwarned. Nobody will have an excuse for not knowing. It's all spelled out in quite precise detail and on schedule.
The prophet Isaiah sums it up to this: "Few men will be left in the world." It appears from the specifics that about 2/3 of the world's population will be wiped out by the time of Armageddon and Christ appearing. In Ezekiel chapters 36 through 39 you will find the best and most complete prophecy on the emergence of the nation of Israel and how it will all turn out with that most significant nation so far as the end times go.

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Inactive Member

Message 47 of 794 (118570)
06-25-2004 2:31 AM
Reply to: Message 44 by NosyNed
06-25-2004 12:09 AM

Re: Killing?
Are you kidding? Have you never heard of the old Jewish animal sacrifices? There needs to be a temple, and all this religious rites that go with it.

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Message 48 of 794 (118590)
06-25-2004 3:47 AM
Reply to: Message 47 by simple
06-25-2004 2:31 AM

Re: Killing?
ok, thanks, I just wanted it clear. Does the temple have to be the one in Jerusalem? Or will any temple do?

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Message 49 of 794 (118593)
06-25-2004 4:03 AM
Reply to: Message 48 by NosyNed
06-25-2004 3:47 AM

Re: Killing?
They have to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple for the regular sacrifices to restart.
But they'd probably have to demolish the Dome of the Rock to do so with the obvious fallout. And I am far from certain that many Jews want to go back to a form of Judaiasm that has been dead for more than 1900 years.
The other thing is that they have to perform a ritual with the ashes of a red heifer before they can rebuild the Temple - to "cleanse" the site. That sacrifice obviously has to occur without the Temple.

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From: Texas
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Message 50 of 794 (118607)
06-25-2004 9:00 AM
Reply to: Message 45 by sidelined
06-25-2004 12:17 AM

This world
power is of a different nature, a religious nature, and long since established as such. Its influence is felt worldwide, it makes no bones about its intent, but does not have the horrible power it once had, when millions succumbed to its destruction.
The beast has a name that adds up to the number 666
that number is more than adequately represented in the name
vicarius filii dei - and so is the power and intent of the man who has this name. Look up the name. Then tell me who it is.

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Message 51 of 794 (118616)
06-25-2004 9:57 AM
Reply to: Message 12 by mike the wiz
06-23-2004 6:34 PM

Gee Wiz Comment
"A day to the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day". (2Peter 3:8)
I always wondered where Peter got this idea since it isn't mentioned in the OT.
Finally while reading through "The Legends of the Jews" I found:
Of his own free will Adam relinquished seventy of his allotted years. His appointed span was to be a thousand years, one of the Lord's days.
That's why Adam only lived 930 years.

A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.

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From: Silver Spring, MD
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Message 52 of 794 (118622)
06-25-2004 10:11 AM
Reply to: Message 46 by Buzsaw
06-25-2004 2:01 AM

(there is a Christian owned satelite flying in the midst of heaven called Sky Angel doing just that)
Actually, no.
1) Sky Angel is the name of the service, not the satellite, according to the company (Dominion Video Satellite). Since the company doesn't have the capital to launch a satellite, they have a relationship with Echostar (DiSh Network) to transmit their signal.
2) DiSH network does not "preach the gospel to all the nations", as the Echostar satellite only serves North America.
Just a quibble, I guess. We're not quite as far along on this as you thought we were.

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From: Edmonton Alberta Canada
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Message 53 of 794 (118625)
06-25-2004 10:24 AM
Reply to: Message 50 by PecosGeorge
06-25-2004 9:00 AM

Re: This world
Jesus,Mary and Joseph could you be any more obtuse? Please play the part of the person who is in possesion of the one true understanding of the "nature of the beast". 666 is just a number no more or less meaningful than any other.
What is this penchant with finding some kind of mystical relevance to the number system.I mean for crying out loud get into the 21st century already.Hell,come out of the dark ages at least.Honestly.the workings of some peoples minds is truly stunted by the embracing of useless adoration of numbers as an insight into the workings of the world.
I am sure the Pope is the anti-Christ.Yep the vatican pretty much has us all by the balls.We can be certain any day that the world will tremble before the might of this powerful entity.Get a life.

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Message 54 of 794 (118631)
06-25-2004 11:34 AM
Reply to: Message 53 by sidelined
06-25-2004 10:24 AM

Re: This world
as you wish

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Inactive Member

Message 55 of 794 (118638)
06-25-2004 12:36 PM
Reply to: Message 15 by NosyNed
06-23-2004 11:53 PM

Re: Thanks
Yes, besides A Distant Mirror (a description of 14th century Western Europe) I have read The Guns of August (about the beginnings of WWI, and the incompetent people in charge of it) and The Proud Tower about the world just before the first World War (and which gave me a new American hero: Thomas B. Reed, speaker of the House of Representatives who risked his political career, and lost, opposing the war with Spain in 1898).

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Inactive Member

Message 56 of 794 (118651)
06-25-2004 1:40 PM
Reply to: Message 46 by Buzsaw
06-25-2004 2:01 AM

sign o' the times
There are a number of events which MUST come to pass before the end time. Jesus said that in his Olivet discourse recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 and he named some things which will come to pass but adds, but the end is not yet.
But the Bible does tell us something about when we can expect the end time. In Matthew 24:34 (so in the very chapter you refer to!) Jesus Himself said, talking to his followers about signs to watch out for: Most assuredly I tell you, this generation will not pass away, until all these things are accomplished.
So that pretty much situates the end time somewhere in the first century AD.

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Message 57 of 794 (118653)
06-25-2004 1:43 PM
Reply to: Message 31 by 1.61803
06-24-2004 12:38 PM

There is
no rapture. Anyone out there who believes this .....kindly proof it.

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Message 58 of 794 (118654)
06-25-2004 1:45 PM
Reply to: Message 35 by 1.61803
06-24-2004 1:17 PM

The concept of
burning for all eternity is a falsehood perpetrated by the RCC.
See Malachi 3
There will be an end to sin, keeping it burning for all eternity is hardly making an end of it.

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Posts: 863
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Message 59 of 794 (118655)
06-25-2004 1:49 PM
Reply to: Message 36 by jar
06-24-2004 1:24 PM

Christ says
that he has sheep in other flocks John 10:16
It should silence those who feel they have a lease on salvation

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Posts: 863
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Message 60 of 794 (118657)
06-25-2004 1:53 PM
Reply to: Message 39 by PaulK
06-24-2004 3:41 PM

Nebuchadnezzars 'Image'
that he saw in a dream and Daniel explained the meaning about kingdoms, starting with Babylon, the golden head, all the way down to the feet of the image depicting clay mixed with iron, depicting 'kingdoms' and their powers in our time. Some weak, some strong. That is what we have today. Some weak and some strong.
Believe it or not.

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