Hello Tangle,
Please forgive me for taking so long to answer.
EWolf writes:
What do we do about the fact that we were told that God exist?
Tangle writes:
I heard that some bloke said something weird to a few other blokes about 2,000 years ago. Sadly the first bloke got himself killed by upsetting the local bosses.
That would have been the end of that except that 300 years later a pagan Roman emperor decided it would be good politics to create a new religion to join his territories together.
The rest is, well, you know the rest.
But don't we know all the rest of the story of the former character you spoke of? I take it that He was the one that died on the cross. Shouldn’t we see Him as unique that voluntarily gave His life instead of merely having been killed?
Why did He give His life but for the purpose of bringing you and me vital and otherwise impossible hope and that He conquered death for us? What do we think of anyone that gave His life for us? What do we think that such an individual thinks of you and me?
Yes, many supposedly similar religions rose up.
EWolf writes:
Where did our worth, dignity, and our right originate?
Tangle writes:
A lot of people reckon Allah did it. But it might have been Ik Onkar?
Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London. Olen Suomi Soy Barcelona. I am Ukraine.
What did the US DOI tell us? Did it not say from God the Creator? That makes our worth very, very great! Isn’t that the basis of why the US separated from England to create a nation whose laws are based on the Bible? Its unfortunate our nation (the US) gradually strayed away from much of it.
Tangle writes:
"Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved."
- Tim Minchin, in his beat poem, Storm.
(The above is a quote.)
Science is knowledge. Faith is trust that’s based on knowledge. A merchant cannot stand without his customers’ trust. Our trust in a good merchant is based on his good performance.
As written, “Know ye that the Lord He is God (Psalms 100:3).” Our faith (trust) in God is based on that knowledge. God then proves Himself beyond any doubt to us individually based on that trust.